In case you’re attempting to lose weight then Thanksgiving is not the best time for you. With so much tempting food on the platter it is almost impossible to keep up with your healthy diet. Even I love to heap my plate high at Thanksgiving dinner.Splurging too much on Thankgiving can lead to a serious increase in your weight and ruin your weight loss program, but not anymore. Today I will discuss five ways to ensure a healthy Thanksgiving and holiday season:
Walk Those Calories Off
Go out for a stroll after your Thankgiving dinner. Ask your family members or companions to join you for the walk. A brisk walk after heavy Thanksgiving dinner will help you burn few calories and will help you avoid an extra piece of apple pie.
Don’t Splurge On All The Appetizers
Stop over obsessing over food rather use this occasion to talk to people and celebrate. Thanksgiving comes once in a year, so make sure you use this occasion to interact with the people. Don’t gorge on all the appetizers before dinner and use this opportunity wisely.
Plan Next Day Workout
If after having ton of food during Thanksgiving dinner you feel bloated and lazy, plan a fitness date for the next morning. Ask your friend to show up in the morning and commit to burn all those extra calories from the night before.
Try To Stay Sober
Adding liquor in your Thankgiving dinner will add many extra calories. Try to have less wine and add more sparkling water. Water will help you stay hydrated and sober and you end up splurging less on food and liquor.
Eat Healthy Breakfast
Many people avoid eating much before Thankgiving dinner and splurge at the time of supper. But you should not avoid your breakfast on that day. Eat healthy breakfast such as eggs, oatmeal or whole grain cereals as eating good amount of protein and carbs will control your appetite.
Walk Those Calories Off
Go out for a stroll after your Thankgiving dinner. Ask your family members or companions to join you for the walk. A brisk walk after heavy Thanksgiving dinner will help you burn few calories and will help you avoid an extra piece of apple pie.
Don’t Splurge On All The Appetizers
Stop over obsessing over food rather use this occasion to talk to people and celebrate. Thanksgiving comes once in a year, so make sure you use this occasion to interact with the people. Don’t gorge on all the appetizers before dinner and use this opportunity wisely.
Plan Next Day Workout
If after having ton of food during Thanksgiving dinner you feel bloated and lazy, plan a fitness date for the next morning. Ask your friend to show up in the morning and commit to burn all those extra calories from the night before.
Try To Stay Sober
Eat Healthy Breakfast
Many people avoid eating much before Thankgiving dinner and splurge at the time of supper. But you should not avoid your breakfast on that day. Eat healthy breakfast such as eggs, oatmeal or whole grain cereals as eating good amount of protein and carbs will control your appetite.
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