Despite of the advancement in nutritional science people tend to believe in several diet and nutritional myths. Plethora of Nutrition myths and fitness myths have been adopted by people and considered as truth which has lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.
Today we are going to bust few much known nutritional myths:
Fats and carbohydrates make you fat
Guys let’s face it; most of you have this presumption that consuming a fat rich diet will make you fat. The truth is eating anything in excess whether its protein, carbohydrates or fats will make you fat. Eating fats can never cause a problem until you are eating them in excess. Healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, nut butters, olives, olive oil, and flax oil are great for health and help you build muscles.
Consuming food later at night can cause weight gain
Many people have this false notion that eating later at evening or night can lead to weight gain. The facts is if you are eating within your caloric maintenance level, then your body will utilize all the food you intake at any period of time. Late night eating is unhealthy when you overeat and have a positive caloric balance. So if you are eating healthy snacks at evening or a moderate proportion of food at late night it won’t cause any weight gain.
Eating whole eggs= high cholesterol
High cholesterol is one of the major reasons of heart diseases and there is a full blown myth that eating whole eggs can increase your cholesterol by leaps and bounds. The truth is one large egg contains only 1.5 grams of saturated fat which is very less if compared to the amount in one tablespoon oil or one pizza. Eating 1 or 2 whole eggs daily is great for your health as they contain whole lot of nutrients and vitamins including choline that is found very rarely in our daily diet.
Protein in high amount can cause kidney damage
To process protein kidney do have to work harder than processing carbohydrates or Fats, but it does not lead to any damages to the organ. If you have a healthy kidney and you eat a lot of protein, it won’t lead to any health condition. Drinking too much protein can be dehydrating so do drink a lot and stay hydrated.
Eating fruits can help you reduce fat
Any kind of food if taken is excess can lead to weight gain. Fruits are rich source of carbohydrates and simple sugars and if you eat a whole lot of fruits through out the day it can lead to gain in weight.
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