So New Year is round the corner and you pledge to honor a daily cardio session and count every bit of your calorie. But soon, you lose your focus and start gorging on junk foods and skip your cardio sessions. Though a common weight loss program will have strict restrictions on your diet and would recommend you to run miles on treadmill, we would like to inform you that such cardio sessions are terrible for your health. Crash dieting and hardcore cardio sessions can ruin your energy level as well as make you feel lethargic all day long.
But there are some healthy alternatives which will help you lose extra body fat as well as keep you energetic all day long. Intermittent fasting is a way which helps you lose body fat without making any drastic change in your diet.
During Intermittent fasting you have to create a pattern or cycle of eating and fasting. Once you will get used to fast for 14 to 16 hours you will not notice any hunger pangs or drop in energy level. We have shared the most effective methods of Intermittent fasting in our previous article; today we will discuss the numerous ways intermittent fasting can help you lose belly fat:
Increase fat loss due to longer fasted state
Do you know, while sleeping your body enters into a fasted state and remaining in such state for long hours will switch your body to a fat burning mode. It means while sleeping your body is doing nothing still it is burning all the calories you had all day long. When you wake up and start eating your body starts producing insulin. Insulin spike in body leads to fat storage and this leads your body out of the fasted state. Intermittent fasting will keep your body in fasted mode for few more hours this will help your body to burn more calories and leads to fat loss.
Intermittent Fasting controls appetite
Human body is very adaptive and once you start intermittent fasting your body gets used to your routine. Soon you will notice that you get used to the routine of not eating in the morning and you will have a much superior appetite control and very less hunger pangs.
Stabilizes your energy levels
With intermittent fasting your body will start utilizing your body fat as a secondary fuel source; it means that your body starts using your fat source to provide energy throughout the day. Once you will have stable energy levels you have a better control over your food cravings and binge eating.
Improves body ability to repair and detox
Digestion of food is a long process and take’s whole lot of energy and attention of your body. If you continuously eat and digest your body cannot focus on the maintenance and repair of your cells. While intermittent fasting, your brain releases Human Growth hormone which helps the body to repair and maintenance process of your cells. This helps in detoxification which helps you to lose body fat and maintain a better and healthy lifestyle.
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